Featured Case Study
This study demonstrates the process of meshing and setting up a multi-domain 2D case using CF-MESH+, on an example of a battery pack geometry. This 2D mesh was later used to perform a Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) analysis.

Our Common Meshing Terminology
CFD meshing terminology can be quite daunting, especially for beginners. This article will give you an overview of the most common CFD meshing terms and expressions we use daily, in alphabetical order. If you are struggling with some of the expressions we are using in...
High quality boundary layers
Generated using a procedure for optimisation of layer quality. It also allows controlling of the layer topology at inlet/outlet boundaries and symmetry planes. Various options for controlling of the layer thickness are available.
Easy to use
Tolerant to dirty geometry as long as it defines a closed volume. A GUI allows for quick setup and visualisation of all settings. It is also possible to stop and check the mesh after each step of the workflow, enabling quick error correction.
GUI and batch meshing
The mesher can be started from the GUI or from a command line. The GUI is needed to generate initial setups. Meshing can be done in batch mode without any user intervention.
Fast parallel meshing
All algorithms are designed to utilise all available cores of your machine. The number of cores used for meshing can be controlled via a system variable.
Provides various resources for learning about CF-MESH+ and hints how to achieve the most with the software.
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Additional examples and case studies have been prepared to further showcase the functionality and features of our products.They also show you how to get the best out of CF-MESH+.
CF-MESH+ in action

Choose your best solution

cfMesh (open source)
cfMesh is an open-source library for mesh generation implemented on top of the OpenFOAM® framework. Read more here.
Note: None of the OpenFOAM® related offering by Creative Fields Holding Ltd is approved or endorsed by OpenCFD, Ltd. (ESI Group), producer of the OpenFOAM® software. OpenFOAM® and OpenCFD® are registered trade marks of ESI Group.
Basic automatic cell sizing
Boundary layers
Cartesian 2D + 3D
Open source
Polyhedral meshing
Tetrahedral meshing

CF-MESH+ (pro)
Discover superior boundary layer generation capabilities, all in an affordable, automated, easy-to-use software.