How to Check the Status of Your CF-MESH+ License

Being busy as we all are these days, it is easy to forget the exact date when you have to renew your license. Since there are discounts available for renewing the license in time (within the expiration date), it is very useful to know when your license will expire. In this post, we will explain two easy ways to quickly check your CF-MESH+ license status, in less than 5 minutes. Depending on the type of license you have, the procedure is as described below.

How to check the remaining credit in your CF-MESH+ hourly license

The procedure for checking the remaining credit in the CF-MESH+ hourly license is the following:

  1. Open the CodeMeter Control Center GUI on a machine where the license is installed.
  2. Select the container cfLicense-0002 in the list of available containers.
  3. Click on the Webadmin button in the bottom-right corner. There you can see the number of units.

The units next to the product code 40 show the remaining credit for the mesher. Each unit represents a minute, a unit is taken of the credit for each minute of processes’ wall time.

The licensing policy has been changed since the 4.4 release, and there is no limit on GUI usage.

The hourly license is a floating license and many processes can be run at the same time. The units are taken from your credit for each process.

Along with any type of license, each customer gets access to their profile on our webpage. This will take you to our new ticketing system on the ClickUp platform, where you will be able to check the license holder and submit bugs or installation issues. Other tickets, such as feature requests and on-demand online meetings are possible only with support-included type of licenses or by purchasing a support package.

How to check the status of your CF-MESH+ time-limited license

How to check the status of your monthly, quarterly, annual, or perpetual CF-MESH+ license

If you are a license holder of a time-limited license, you have received an e-mail with the credentials to your user account on our website. This will take you to our new ticketing system on the ClickUp platform, where you will be able to check the following:

  • License overview: here you can check the status of your license, no. of support hours left, and the license holder)
  • Meeting overview:  for meeting minutes;
  • Tickets overview: here you will see the status of your submitted tickets;
  • Submit a ticket: bugs, installation issues, asking for help in setting up cases, etc.;
  • Download a version: here you can download the latest version.

If you wish to find out first about our latest news and developments, subscribe to our newsletter.

Choose your best solution

cfMesh (open source)

cfMesh is an open-source library for mesh generation implemented on top of the OpenFOAM® framework. Read more here.

Note: None of the OpenFOAM® related offering by Creative Fields Holding Ltd is approved or endorsed by OpenCFD, Ltd. (ESI Group), producer of the OpenFOAM® software. OpenFOAM® and OpenCFD® are registered trade marks of ESI Group.

Basic automatic cell sizing

Boundary layers

Cartesian 2D + 3D

Open source

Polyhedral meshing

Tetrahedral meshing

CF-MESH+ (pro)

Discover superior boundary layer generation capabilities, all in an affordable, automated, easy-to-use software.

Basic automatic cell sizing

Cartesian 2D + 3D


Polyhedral meshing

Tetrahedral meshing

Advanced control of layer topology

Advanced control of mesh quality

Advanced control for automatic cell sizing

Advanced selection of domains that shall be meshed

CAD import

Hexahedral meshing

Robust algorithms for mesh quality control

Support included (except the hourly licenses)