We are happy to announce that, after months of development, we are able to present to the OpenFOAM community an integrated, GUI-driven, and cross-platform solution for CFD based on the OpenFOAM platform – cfSuite. It is a hosting environment for cfMesh (an extensible library for automatic mesh generation; freely available) and OpenFOAM® libraries, designed for quick implementation of customised GUI-driven workflows running OpenFOAM® solvers. Both products, cfMesh and cfSuite, are available as 64-bit versions for both Linux and Windows and can be downloaded from our website.
Our story started around the meshing library cfMesh, developed for more than ten years by our founding partner and principal developer, Dr. Franjo Juretić. It is an open-source library, licensed under GPL, designed for simple implementation of meshing workflows that can be adapted to the needs of its users. It compiles with all recent versions of OpenFOAM and is designed to be as automatic as possible with simple syntax. It is parallelised using both SMP and MPI. Below are some images of meshes generated by cfMesh.

In the first release of our GUI framework, we have mainly focused on the pre-processing tasks related to meshing, such as the preparation of boundary conditions on the input geometry, creation of subsets on both surface and volume meshes, and harnessing cfMesh into an easy-to-use environment. Currently, we support two OpenFOAM solvers, namely icoFoam and simpleFoam, but the list of available solvers will grow in the product versions to come.

To conclude, by no means should this be contemplated as an end of our development journey, but rather its sole beginning, as it is only now that we really have an opportunity to hear from you, and learn exactly what additionally we can do for you to make our products continuously better. We hope you will find our software useful and look forward growing together in the years to come!
We hope to see you in Zagreb on the 9th OpenFOAM Workshop in June 2014!
If you have some cfMesh-related questions, feel free to discuss them in our FB group cfMesh.