Your free entry into the world of easy-to-use CFD meshing
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What you need to know about our open-source cfMesh:

First of all, we have a cfMesh group where the existing cfMesh users can support each other and we provide up-to-date information to the growing community. We hope to cooperate with many of you and encourage you to share your thoughts, ideas, and cases, as well as to support each other.

It’s been a long way since I started working on cfMesh to the version available today. Before announcing our future plans, I would like to share a few facts about the history of cfMesh with you:

– I started developing it more than ten years ago as a project in my spare time with a goal to develop a meshing tool that is robust, simple to use, and also simple to learn and extend. In addition, I also wanted to explore the possibilities offered by the emerging parallel computing architectures that offer great potential for handling complex problems. I had some interesting concepts in my head, so I decided to test them out.

– The main idea behind cfMesh was to implement the minimum number of algorithms that can be further extended and can be combined into various meshing workflows, tailored to the need of a specific problem. Therefore, we hope to come up with simple-to-use meshing workflows tailored to the problems that take up a lot of your time today. In order to achieve that, we need your help, support, and knowledge for our mutual benefit. Please do not hesitate to suggest topics, and nominate importance to the projects already available on our website.

cfMesh is an open-source tool and it will remain that way. In addition, we also plan to develop the commercial version of cfMesh that will be named CF-MESH+, and it will contain some additional features such as multi-material meshing, handling of boundary layer topology, enhanced automatic cell sizing, etc.

Happy meshing to all of you!


Choose your best solution

cfMesh (open source)

cfMesh is an open-source library for mesh generation implemented on top of the OpenFOAM® framework. Read more here.

Note: None of the OpenFOAM® related offering by Creative Fields Holding Ltd is approved or endorsed by OpenCFD, Ltd. (ESI Group), producer of the OpenFOAM® software. OpenFOAM® and OpenCFD® are registered trade marks of ESI Group.

Basic automatic cell sizing

Boundary layers

Cartesian 2D + 3D

Open source

Polyhedral meshing

Tetrahedral meshing

CF-MESH+ (pro)

Discover superior boundary layer generation capabilities, all in an affordable, automated, easy-to-use software.

Basic automatic cell sizing

Cartesian 2D + 3D


Polyhedral meshing

Tetrahedral meshing

Advanced control of layer topology

Advanced control of mesh quality

Advanced control for automatic cell sizing

Advanced selection of domains that shall be meshed

CAD import

Hexahedral meshing

Robust algorithms for mesh quality control

Support included (except the hourly licenses)

Need more?


If you require a high quality boundary layers, multimaterial meshing and access to experts, why not consider CF-MESH+?