
Sail meshing example. Cartesian mesh.
Multi-domain/baffles meshing. Boundary layers. Meshed by CF-MESH+.

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Our Common Meshing Terminology

Our Common Meshing Terminology

CFD meshing terminology can be quite daunting, especially for beginners. This article will give you an overview of the most common CFD meshing terms and expressions we use daily, in alphabetical order. If you are struggling with some of the expressions we are using in...

Low-RE turbulence modelling of boundary layers with CF-MESH+

Low-RE turbulence modelling of boundary layers with CF-MESH+

The goal of this post is to discuss the best practices of boundary layer generation in CF-MESH+ needed to perform low-Re turbulence modelling of boundary layers, on Ahmed body example.  In order to show the importance of accurate boundary layer modelling, the post...

Is it always the mesh? Part 6: Feature edges and corners

Is it always the mesh? Part 6: Feature edges and corners

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